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Tatva Ledarskap och Management Services: Empowering Women arbetskraft från Tatva Leadership
Subduing the Challenges The company came into existence when the mindsets were narrow about equality in workforce. By rethinking and reinventing the leadership utrymme och verkställande coaching, Kuku kämpade mot marknadens utmaningar to bring the company to its full stature today. “Things are definitivt easier today. 5 years ago we were new and the industry attityd was not that open,” says Kuku. Gender is a yardstick for the ledningen när det kommer investeringar, våga igenom situationen with an arsenal of experience gained from the industry, Kuku lyckats in making her point that women need separate attention in arbetskraft. “The entire space of diversity and inclusion is very complex och lager. Det är enkelt gå en organisation och sälja en ledarskapsprogram, but it’s far more difficult to get the senior management, och göra dem tro att byggnad en pipeline för kvinnor ledarskap kräver attention, and is a different ball game,” she adds. Built on fundamentet of Kuku’s 25 years of experience in the industry, Tatva has i dag emerged as one of the top players in the field of learning and development. Revamping the Workplace and Overhauling Women Leadership Focusing on three major areas; Leadership Development, Executive Coaching och Consulting, Tatva bygger en pipeline i begåvad professionell redo förväg i deras karriär , fältet. &Nbsp innovativt företag har utarbetat fyra kurser nämligen Sakshi CHINMAYEE, Drishti och LEAD som fokuserar på exponering, flexibilitet och empowerment to build confidence in women executives to focus on meaningful, long-term careers. SAKSHI is focused on women with a 2-5 år experience at work and focuses on helping them manage the arbetsliv balance. DRISHTI is a programme focused on all employees which works to create inclusivity and gender sensitization. The programme BLY is meant for the entire talent pool and aims to enhance konkurrenskraftig kompetens bland alla . CHINMAYEE är en exklusivt program för kvinnor att hjälpa dem hitta drivrutiner gör informerade professionell as well as personal decisions. Focusing on expanding women leadership in corporate sector, the organization develops sustainable leadership on holistic thinking and balans. “Developing the women leadership pipeline is the biggest focus for us today. We give executive coaching and group coaching at senior nivå and middle management level,” says Kuku. Through a deep pool av experienced counselors and innovative program design, Tatva creates och redskap utveckling strategier och nbsp; och lära program att nå över en . organisation Genom att fokus på chief koncept och komponenter i utbildning, utveckling, lära och   , eventuella problem, företaget fungerar med kvinnor anställda och nbsp; oavsett i sin erfarenhet the industry. To discover their unique leadership styles, by realizing the true leadership potential that women possess, Tatva helps them become a katalysator for change within the communities they serve. “Most of our kurser är lång program orienterad. Vår hållbarhet process är robust och client focused. We stay for the client even for a short program. Vi förstår vad är välgörande för en organisation, industri, avdelning och what would help in the larger framework of life,” she explains. Expanding across arena being a delegate In order to keep pace with the change in gender ratio and the resulting work environment, Tatva focuses on the real issues using workshops focused into applications and understanding the clients. By tying up med teatersällskap i Mumbai, Tatva gör använda i berättande, dans och drama och använder varierad uppsättning i kompetens möjliggör dess kunder. Den company provides its services to organizations across various verticals sådan as banking sector, insurance sector, manufacturing sector, IT- ITes sector to name a few. Today, the company has an impressive roster of klienter that include names such as Johnson and Johnson, ACC, PepsiCo, Raymond, Piaggio, Barclays among others. Being the knowledge partner for NASCOM in diversity and inclusive space, Tatva has ten active partners and is on the panel of several organizations in the diversity boards. The firm also spreads the word about learning in print media by anchoring some of the magazines runt ledarskap Under ; utrymme  . Kuku ambitiös vision företaget aims to see about 100 women on the boards of organizations.
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