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Grunddragen i papper Christine Cora
In search for the most cost-effective and
marknaden uppfyller medel i utsmyckning en
T-shirt-i omfattning i tillgängligt
resources—embellishers and non-embellishers alike have turned to the ease and
economy of heat transfer papers. While art, a computer and output device
, and a decent heat press are certainly important, at the very heart of the
heat transfer is heat-transfer paper.
It is this paper that enables the digital embellisher to decorate T-shirts
—along with mousepads, coffee mugs, signage and a nearly unlimited
range of other substrates
—using standard office printers and copiers loaded with standard office
inks and toners.
The key is using the right
digital-transfer paper in the right printer or copier. For starters, according to our
sources, a significant difference between laser and inkjet output is the fact
that, while serviceable inkjet printers may be purchased cheaply, their
output is significantly slower than the more expensive laser. In this end of
the market, though—one significantly populated by start-ups, established
embellishers seeking to capture additional niches, and those in search of a
quick-turn solution for low-volume jobs—slow output is more than made
up for by lower initial investment. Thus, despite the fact that ink is also
more expensive per-print than laser toner, inkjet technology—and the
paper designed for its output—is more prevalent in our industry than its
laser counterpart.
According to our sources, these little details include such things as the
availability of training, service and support from the given paper supplier.
In fact, the inaccurate conveyance of information
—specifically, what paper to use for what type of work, output from what
type of printer or copier—is perhaps the leading cause of difficulty with
digital transfers, particularly among newcomers. Ironically, it happens that
much of the confusion comes from outside our industry, from copier reps
who don’t take into consideration the uses to which their products may be
put, and which papers are likely to be applied to those uses.
But there are certain models out there that you cannot run anything but
plain paper through. We get many of them, after they’ve been damaged.
We try to turn them around, help them with a low-cost way to get the right
printer and, hopefully, make them happy.
Next, says Fields, is the time-honored tendency to not read and follow
directions—encouraged, perhaps, by the otherwise gentle learning curve inherent
with digital transfers. “Aside from their image quality not being good
because they’re not controlling their image as well as they should in the
computer, they’re just not following the instructions. Part of that is, how
forgiving is the paper? Certain papers have a range that they’ll work well
in; some papers have a more narrow area of operation, less forgiving. Is
the heat off? Or the pressure off? The whole transfer process is paper, heat,
ink and pressure. Are they following the recommended settings?” Fields
also cautions against skimping when it comes to a quality heat press. “If
they get into cheaper and cheaper heat presses, where they can’t necessarily
control the pressure, that’s probably where more black eyes are going to
happen. If there’s no gauge, they’re just screwing down a handle. If you
use a quality paper and you know the ink’s right, but the results still aren’t
there, there’s just something off in the way you’re transferring it.”
Trust reputation
The bottom line appears to be that quality ingredients in the
digital-heat-transfer recipe are readily available. The user, though, must be
sufficiently diligent to not necessarily settle for the first answer, but get a
second and third opinion when shopping for an output device. And, finally,
when it comes down to which transfer paper to use, says Rector: “Trust
reputation. When you can’t afford to be wrong, because your image is
depending on it, you go ahead and make the decision to buy a better paper.
Yes, you can probably find something that will work, some of the time,
most of the time. But if you put the transfer on something that you’ve spent
a lot of time making, or has your identity on it, you don’t want to use just
anything. You want something that you know will work, and you know it
will work every time.”
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